9 Ways Nonprofits Can Maximize Their Partnership With an Executive Search Firm

Morris & Berger has worked with nonprofits for the last 40 years, so we know that a successful search does not happen by accident. Rather, a successful outcome is the natural result of a strong collaboration between the nonprofit and the search firm. For nonprofits to get the most out of their investment in a […]

Pay Transparency Essential to Recruiting Top Talent

Coined as “The Great Resignation,” millions of Americans are voluntarily quitting their jobs.  In such a tight labor market, employers should do everything they can to encourage candidates to fill openings. As the fight for top talent becomes more intense than ever, remuneration is the most tangible method for a workplace to indicate how much […]

When (and Why) to Hire an Interim Executive Director

When faced with a vacancy in the leadership role, organizations sometimes find that an interim is the best solution, enabling a thoughtful and comprehensive search to take place while continuing to move the organization forward.  Certain conditions may call for an interim or acting executive while the search is underway for a permanent appointment. WHEN […]

How To Be A Good Outgoing Nonprofit CEO

After years at the helm of your nonprofit organization, you are planning a transition to a new role or to a new chapter in retirement.  A successful leadership transition requires strategy, planning, communication, time, and leadership.  While it is the Board’s responsibility to hire the next CEO (arguably the most important charge), the outgoing CEO […]

Conducting a Successful Virtual Panel Interview: Tips for Search Committees

For many of us, stay at home orders have meant adjusting overnight to remote working and virtual meetings.  While we may feel like Zoom Masters by now, virtual interviewing can pose new challenges, particularly when interviewing as a group.  Despite some areas beginning to lift restrictions, the reality of bringing a group of people together […]

From Search Committee to Transition Committee: How to Support Your New CEO

You have hired a new CEO – good for you!  As a member of the Search Committee, you have spent the last several months focused on finding the very best leader for your organization.  You are likely excited that your work is done and looking forward to the new CEO coming on board.  Now it’s […]

The Search Committee – Key to a Successful Search Process

The primary responsibility of a nonprofit Board is to hire and evaluate the CEO/Executive Director.  When the search for a new executive begins, the first charge of the Board is to form a Search Committee and identify its leader.  Common questions include:  What authority does a Search Committee have?  What is the role of the […]

When Search Committees Behave Badly: 6 Common Pitfalls That Can Lead to a Failed Search

In our 30+ years of nonprofit executive search, we have unfortunately seen unresponsiveness or inappropriate behavior of search committee members. Despite good intentions, these common occurrences can lead to a failed search. If you are serving on a search committee, here are some pitfalls to avoid that could result in a regrettable outcome: Micromanaging. When you […]

8 Things You Need to Know When Picking a Search Firm

Congratulations! You have made the wise decision to engage an executive search firm. Now what? Whether you are seeking a CEO or a senior executive for your nonprofit organization, the first step in selecting a search firm is finding a partner you want to work with over the next 4-6 months. The search firm will […]

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